Tidak seperti toko biasanya, online store buka selama 24 jam non stop. Tentunya ada jam kerja juga, seperti www.tanahabang.asia selalu siap melayani anda dengan jam kerja mulai dari jam 08:30 pagi hingga jam 4 sore setiap hari Senin – Sabtu. Selain itu juga terdapat customer service yang dapat melayani anda secara online di web tersebut via Yahoo Messenger.
Busana Muslim menjadi pilihan utama pemilik online store ini karena memang belakangan ini memang pasar busana muslim sedang meroket. Baju Muslim yang tersedia juga memiliki beraneka ragam motif dan corak. Ada yang untuk anak-anak sampai untuk orang dewasa bisa dipilih. So, ga perlu repot-repot lagi berbelanja ke Tanah Abang, karena kita bisa berbelanja lewat Internet.. :D
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
HT Mobile Buyers Break Records
Herry SW telecommunications observers say, sales of HT Mobile diantre thousands of city of Surabaya phone line set a record in the city today.
"Before this promo price cheapest in TP Nexian held at Rp 600 thousand. Nowadays even crazier to USD 300 thousand. No wonder if antrenya up like that, "said Herry contacted Saturday (19/12) morning.
Besides HT and Nexian, Dezzo has ever held a similar event. However, based on the observation HSW, Herry SW familiar call, not until this sefenomenal.
"Yes because of low prices, qwerty models and also later in the year. Maybe it's the people there could be a year-end bonus is spent and gentlemen, "added HSW.
According to HSW, qwerty cell phone boom in Indonesia can not be separated from selling BlackBerry sweetness. Smart mobile phone homemade Research in Motion (RIM) was a Canadian seemed to have become part of people's lifestyles today. Thus, for those limited funds should be quite satisfied even carrying 'so-invented the BlackBerry aka BlackBerry abal-abal'.
It was so booming BlackBerry, HSW states from some queue dipantaunya ever, including this day, some that did not know who bought the phone brand. "The important thing is rich BlackBerry, which is important Qwerty," he said.
No doubt, Facebook applications are also the main attraction phones new releases. Even in Asia, Indonesia including the three largest major The access Facebook. Looking at the current public interest, predicts fever HSW qwerty phone still will last until mid next year.
Meanwhile, the Bagong Suyanto, sociologists Faculty of Political Sciences Social Sciences (Social) Airlangga University, Surabaya, public enthusiasm for the development in technology, particularly mobile products, is normal.
Indonesian society today, he said, is a society that no longer are in the level of modern society, but a virtual community, or better known as a virtual term generation. At that level, said Bagong, the people will always feel hungry for growth as the impact of technology on information needs.
"This large scale is a reform movement in the information society. So do not be surprised if the ipod, laptop, or HP as a product of the most elementary to very hunted today, "he said.
Also, another thing that helped encourage this phenomenon, Bagong express fashion factor. "Our society today is no longer the purely concerned with price alone, but also have been influenced by the mode of being in the moment," he said.
According to him, this again is a character trait that society has entered the postmodern era. Era is known as the postindustrial era has made people more concern with the things that smelled of imaging itself.
"And the virtual generation is another form of postmodern society where matters other than price are also important, such as fashion and image," he said.
"Before this promo price cheapest in TP Nexian held at Rp 600 thousand. Nowadays even crazier to USD 300 thousand. No wonder if antrenya up like that, "said Herry contacted Saturday (19/12) morning.
Besides HT and Nexian, Dezzo has ever held a similar event. However, based on the observation HSW, Herry SW familiar call, not until this sefenomenal.
"Yes because of low prices, qwerty models and also later in the year. Maybe it's the people there could be a year-end bonus is spent and gentlemen, "added HSW.
According to HSW, qwerty cell phone boom in Indonesia can not be separated from selling BlackBerry sweetness. Smart mobile phone homemade Research in Motion (RIM) was a Canadian seemed to have become part of people's lifestyles today. Thus, for those limited funds should be quite satisfied even carrying 'so-invented the BlackBerry aka BlackBerry abal-abal'.
It was so booming BlackBerry, HSW states from some queue dipantaunya ever, including this day, some that did not know who bought the phone brand. "The important thing is rich BlackBerry, which is important Qwerty," he said.
No doubt, Facebook applications are also the main attraction phones new releases. Even in Asia, Indonesia including the three largest major The access Facebook. Looking at the current public interest, predicts fever HSW qwerty phone still will last until mid next year.
Meanwhile, the Bagong Suyanto, sociologists Faculty of Political Sciences Social Sciences (Social) Airlangga University, Surabaya, public enthusiasm for the development in technology, particularly mobile products, is normal.
Indonesian society today, he said, is a society that no longer are in the level of modern society, but a virtual community, or better known as a virtual term generation. At that level, said Bagong, the people will always feel hungry for growth as the impact of technology on information needs.
"This large scale is a reform movement in the information society. So do not be surprised if the ipod, laptop, or HP as a product of the most elementary to very hunted today, "he said.
Also, another thing that helped encourage this phenomenon, Bagong express fashion factor. "Our society today is no longer the purely concerned with price alone, but also have been influenced by the mode of being in the moment," he said.
According to him, this again is a character trait that society has entered the postmodern era. Era is known as the postindustrial era has made people more concern with the things that smelled of imaging itself.
"And the virtual generation is another form of postmodern society where matters other than price are also important, such as fashion and image," he said.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Lebih Dalam Seputar Internet Marketing
Bila anda mau tahu lebih dalam seputar internet marketing, cobalah bergabung saat ini juga di Pemburudollar[dot]net. Di sana anda akan mendapatkan panduan serta tips/trik tentang bagaimana cara kita berburu dollar di internet.
Maulana Malik yang mengelola web tersebut akan berbagi ilmu melalui Ebook Gratis yang berisikan laporan-laporan yang telah dilaluinya sendiri oleh lelaki 19 tahun ini dalam Bisnis Internet. Berdasarkan pengalaman yang sudah dialaminya tersebut, beliau siap berbagi ilmu ke siapa saja yang tertarik untuk meraup dollar lewat bisnis ini. Kesempatan ini akan segera berakhir dalam waktu tidak lama lagi, yaitu tanggal 31 Desember 2009.
Jadi jangan sampai ketinggalan ya.. ^^
Maulana Malik yang mengelola web tersebut akan berbagi ilmu melalui Ebook Gratis yang berisikan laporan-laporan yang telah dilaluinya sendiri oleh lelaki 19 tahun ini dalam Bisnis Internet. Berdasarkan pengalaman yang sudah dialaminya tersebut, beliau siap berbagi ilmu ke siapa saja yang tertarik untuk meraup dollar lewat bisnis ini. Kesempatan ini akan segera berakhir dalam waktu tidak lama lagi, yaitu tanggal 31 Desember 2009.
Jadi jangan sampai ketinggalan ya.. ^^
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Sony Ericsson Released Wireless Stereo Headset MW600
Sony Ericsson Indonesia bringing another best music accessories to the ground water. Wireless Stereo Headset MW600. At this time accessories, in addition to Bluetooth, Sony Ericsson also added other entertainment features on the headset. The ability of the headset speaker is better to by the presence of FM radio with built-in.
MW600 allows you to enjoy radio streaming technology into your phone. VIVAnews quoted from a press release, December 4, 2009, crystal OLED touch screen equipped with easy access control and information RDS (radio data systems) radio station, to get users quickly adapt to these accessories.
With low latency mode, MW600 can reduce the delay time from the phone to the user's ear. Other features, in addition to touch screen that makes elegant, the user can also make phone calls with Voice orally Activated Dialing (VAD) technology through voice-to-text. Technically, the headset speaker volume MW600 able to adjust automatically and quickly, if at times too big or small. In addition, there Esco (extended SCO) which can improve the sound quality with Esco meretransmisikan package and set aside the CRC error.
In the package, Sony Ericsson has equipped the device dimension is 62x15x17, 5 mm with 3.5 mm headset. Although available in black and white, to Indonesia, while it only comes in black MW600. Unfortunately, in Indonesia, Sony Ericsson has not announced its official price.
Gadget News from Vivanews..

With low latency mode, MW600 can reduce the delay time from the phone to the user's ear. Other features, in addition to touch screen that makes elegant, the user can also make phone calls with Voice orally Activated Dialing (VAD) technology through voice-to-text. Technically, the headset speaker volume MW600 able to adjust automatically and quickly, if at times too big or small. In addition, there Esco (extended SCO) which can improve the sound quality with Esco meretransmisikan package and set aside the CRC error.
In the package, Sony Ericsson has equipped the device dimension is 62x15x17, 5 mm with 3.5 mm headset. Although available in black and white, to Indonesia, while it only comes in black MW600. Unfortunately, in Indonesia, Sony Ericsson has not announced its official price.
Gadget News from Vivanews..
Saturday, November 28, 2009
BatuZakar.Net Atasi Disfungsi Seksual
Mengatasi ejakulasi dini bukan pekerjaan yang mudah. Mengapa demikian? Karena seringkali orang tidak bisa membedakan jenis ejakulasi dini yang mereka derita. Apakah mereka menderita ejakulasi dini ringan, sedang, atau berat. Sedangkan setiap jenis ejakulasi dini harus diberikan perawatan yang berbeda.
Hanya dengan menggunakan Batu Zakar Rekso, segala macam gangguan fungsi seksual Anda langsung teratasi. Selain itu, tambahan income 5 Juta /minggu akan menambah kebahagiaan Anda. Ingat, jangan salah pilih! Salah pilih perawatan, bisa berakibat trauma seumur hidup pada penis Anda! Bahkan bisa – bisa Penis Anda tidak mampu ereksi selamanya! Pilih Batu Zakar Rekso!
Hanya dengan menggunakan Batu Zakar Rekso, segala macam gangguan fungsi seksual Anda langsung teratasi. Selain itu, tambahan income 5 Juta /minggu akan menambah kebahagiaan Anda. Ingat, jangan salah pilih! Salah pilih perawatan, bisa berakibat trauma seumur hidup pada penis Anda! Bahkan bisa – bisa Penis Anda tidak mampu ereksi selamanya! Pilih Batu Zakar Rekso!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Hadiah Berkesan Dengan Sablon Digital
Setiap hari Valentine, semua orang di dunia ikut merayakannya dengan cara memberikan tanda kasih sayang kepada orang – orang yang dicintainya, baik kepada orang tua, teman, sahabat, atau bahkan pacar. Biasanya mereka memberikan hadiah berupa boneka, puisi, cokelat, bunga, dan hadiah – hadiah umum lainnya.
Apa Anda ingin memberikan kesan yang berbeda kepada orang yang Anda cintai di Valentine tahun ini? Anda dapat mencetak foto atau gambar apapun yang Anda sukai di atas gelas, mug, keramik, kaos dengan tinta printer khusus. Silahkan kunjungi http://ecoprintlution.com/ untuk informasi solusi sablon digital yang lebih lengkap.
Apa Anda ingin memberikan kesan yang berbeda kepada orang yang Anda cintai di Valentine tahun ini? Anda dapat mencetak foto atau gambar apapun yang Anda sukai di atas gelas, mug, keramik, kaos dengan tinta printer khusus. Silahkan kunjungi http://ecoprintlution.com/ untuk informasi solusi sablon digital yang lebih lengkap.
Monday, November 23, 2009
IMO S900, With OS Android
The more rapid the current communication technology makes PT Content Indomedia poured trying to keep sophisticated phones. The latest is IMO S900 phone equipped with Open Source operating system besutan Google, Android.
IMO S900 practically as local phone daring to play in the market that has not seen clearly. The reason is the presence of their own Android not predictable in Indonesia.

"We chose Android consideration because by 2012, Android market trends quite well. At this year's estimated global Android will move into second position, with a mastery of approximately 30 percent market share, still below the 39 percent of Symbian. Now, in the global marketplace , Android is still ranked 7th with 2.7 percent market domination, "said President Director of PT Pratama Sarwo Content Indomedia Wargono, during the launch which took place today, Wednesday (18/11/2009) at Cilandak Town Square, South Jakarta.
At first glance, this phone like the Blackberry Storm and brought together a sensitive TFT screen touch, without any numeric keypad. Android performance IMO carried S900 also assisted with Samsung S3C2448 processor.
While capacity ROM and RAM on IMO S900, each measuring 128 MB, which can support sophisticated features in it such as Google's online applications, Twitter and a variety of instant messaging, from Yahoo, MSN, Google Talk, and ICQ. IMO S900-aplikas also supports mobile applications for business people, good facilities pushmail, seer document (document viewer), or PDF.
All Android sophisticated technology and features that pinned in the S900 dibandrol IMO worth Rp2, 4 million.
In addition, the content on the IMO S900 can also be enriched through the help of IM2. Through the application IM2 owned by iPay, IMO S900 users can buy the app and content in the paid Android application store.
IMO S900 Specifications :
Network: Dual Band GSM
Dimensions: 5.9 x10, 8x1, 46
Weight: 116 grams
Screen: 2.9 inch, TFT touchscreen
Video: 15 fps
Data: GPRS Class 10
Ext Memory: microSD (TransFlash)
Connection: wifi, bluetooth, USB
Multimedia: MP3 player, 2MP camera, pushmail,
Battery: Li-Ion 1200 mAh
Gadget News From Okezone
IMO S900 practically as local phone daring to play in the market that has not seen clearly. The reason is the presence of their own Android not predictable in Indonesia.

"We chose Android consideration because by 2012, Android market trends quite well. At this year's estimated global Android will move into second position, with a mastery of approximately 30 percent market share, still below the 39 percent of Symbian. Now, in the global marketplace , Android is still ranked 7th with 2.7 percent market domination, "said President Director of PT Pratama Sarwo Content Indomedia Wargono, during the launch which took place today, Wednesday (18/11/2009) at Cilandak Town Square, South Jakarta.
At first glance, this phone like the Blackberry Storm and brought together a sensitive TFT screen touch, without any numeric keypad. Android performance IMO carried S900 also assisted with Samsung S3C2448 processor.
While capacity ROM and RAM on IMO S900, each measuring 128 MB, which can support sophisticated features in it such as Google's online applications, Twitter and a variety of instant messaging, from Yahoo, MSN, Google Talk, and ICQ. IMO S900-aplikas also supports mobile applications for business people, good facilities pushmail, seer document (document viewer), or PDF.
All Android sophisticated technology and features that pinned in the S900 dibandrol IMO worth Rp2, 4 million.
In addition, the content on the IMO S900 can also be enriched through the help of IM2. Through the application IM2 owned by iPay, IMO S900 users can buy the app and content in the paid Android application store.
IMO S900 Specifications :
Network: Dual Band GSM
Dimensions: 5.9 x10, 8x1, 46
Weight: 116 grams
Screen: 2.9 inch, TFT touchscreen
Video: 15 fps
Data: GPRS Class 10
Ext Memory: microSD (TransFlash)
Connection: wifi, bluetooth, USB
Multimedia: MP3 player, 2MP camera, pushmail,
Battery: Li-Ion 1200 mAh
Gadget News From Okezone
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Gvon 920 and Gvon 950, Qwerty and Touchscreen Mobile Phone
Established himself as the King Bundling, PT Excelcomindo Pratama (XL) through Greater Jakarta and Kalimantan Regional launched two new bundling phone, namely Gvon 920 and Gvon 950.
Both bundling phone was launched today at the Plaza Semanggi, and will be available at the Atrium Plaza starting today until tomorrow, Saturday, November 14, 2009.
"Program service bundling Gvon XL and XL was increasingly confirmed as King of Bundling, which is also affordable in order to meet the communication needs of the community, especially low-end segment," said Dedi Sirath, XL Regional VP Jabodetabek and Kalimantan, on the sidelines Acaa Bundling Program Launch Gvon phone, in Plaza Semanggi, Jakarta, 13 November 2009.
Gvon 920 phone comes with Qwerty design resembles the BlackBerry 5-megapixel camera, complete with trackball navigation, push-mail, Google Maps application, the application Opera Mini. player Real Player, 3D motion sensor, and video chat feature, which claimed to be the first in Indonesia.
While phone Gvon 950, a dual GSM mobile phone touch screen that favor rapid Medical Academy EDGE network, Bluetooth, memory capacity up to 8GB, MP3/MP4 player, 3MP camera, and 3D motion sensor.
For the price, bundle packages Gvon 920 dibanderol the price of Rp 1.19 million, while Gvon marketed at a price of 950 USD 999 thousand.
By using these two cell phones, customers, old and new customers will get the benefit XL XL service free of prime card with a pulse USD XL 2000 with the active period of 6 months. Customers are also entitled to a bonus of 90 minutes talking to a fellow XL, 90 XL SMS to each other, and 9MB of data.
Within each type, there are also features developed XL, including Yahoo Zone XL, XL Funbook, and XL Fun & Xcite.
During the exhibition, XL and Gvon will menyedikan 2,000 units ready stock. In total, Gvon admitted preparing to 10,000 units and 36,000 Greater Jakarta area for outside Greater Jakarta area..
Gadget News from Vivanews..
Both bundling phone was launched today at the Plaza Semanggi, and will be available at the Atrium Plaza starting today until tomorrow, Saturday, November 14, 2009.
"Program service bundling Gvon XL and XL was increasingly confirmed as King of Bundling, which is also affordable in order to meet the communication needs of the community, especially low-end segment," said Dedi Sirath, XL Regional VP Jabodetabek and Kalimantan, on the sidelines Acaa Bundling Program Launch Gvon phone, in Plaza Semanggi, Jakarta, 13 November 2009.
Gvon 920 phone comes with Qwerty design resembles the BlackBerry 5-megapixel camera, complete with trackball navigation, push-mail, Google Maps application, the application Opera Mini. player Real Player, 3D motion sensor, and video chat feature, which claimed to be the first in Indonesia.
While phone Gvon 950, a dual GSM mobile phone touch screen that favor rapid Medical Academy EDGE network, Bluetooth, memory capacity up to 8GB, MP3/MP4 player, 3MP camera, and 3D motion sensor.
For the price, bundle packages Gvon 920 dibanderol the price of Rp 1.19 million, while Gvon marketed at a price of 950 USD 999 thousand.
By using these two cell phones, customers, old and new customers will get the benefit XL XL service free of prime card with a pulse USD XL 2000 with the active period of 6 months. Customers are also entitled to a bonus of 90 minutes talking to a fellow XL, 90 XL SMS to each other, and 9MB of data.
Within each type, there are also features developed XL, including Yahoo Zone XL, XL Funbook, and XL Fun & Xcite.
During the exhibition, XL and Gvon will menyedikan 2,000 units ready stock. In total, Gvon admitted preparing to 10,000 units and 36,000 Greater Jakarta area for outside Greater Jakarta area..
Gadget News from Vivanews..
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Indosat Announces BlackBerry Gemini in White Edition

Estimated price is Rp 3.4 million, BlackBerry Curve 8520 White Edition Indosat's bundled with the original BlackBerry silicone skin. No further information related bonuses are offered Indosat. The company will supply the first 5,000 units.
"This is included in the 20,000 units ordered Gemini Indosat to the RIM some time ago," said Teguh Prasetya Head of Brand Marketing and Indosat. "That is, 15,000 more units are black Gemini," she said.
Furthermore, Teguh said, if the market will welcome the presence of White Gemini good, good serapnya power, it will order another 5,000 units.
As with previous versions of the black, BlackBerry Curve 8520 White Edition also has a look similar to Javelin, with body size (60 x 109 x 106 mm), only wrapped with ivory white. However, for navigation, Gemini no longer use a trackball, trackpad but a sensitive optical touch of a finger on, and some special keys for the media.
The phone is equipped with a hardness processor 512 MHz, 256 MB of memory, and 2 megapixel camera and video recording capability and a comprehensive media player.
He operates in a network EDGE / GPRS / GSM (850/900/1800/1900 MHz) and supports WiFi and Bluetooth connections. He also provides a memory slot microSD / SDHC up to 32 GB. RIM claims this phone has talk time up to 4.5 hours, and standby time up to 17 days.
Gadget News from Vivanews..
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Mobile-8 Targets 7000 Netbook Bundling

"Since its launch in 2009 and ICS event, we managed to sell approximately 5000 netbook with dibundling Advan the Mobi, now we are targeting 7000 for two months, November and December," said Beydra Yendi, Director of Sales and marketingf Mobile-8 through 2009 in Indocomtech Jakarta Convention Center, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday (4/11/2009).
Beydra added, this time Mobile-8 and threw approximately five Advan bundling products on the market at the lowest price Rp3 approximately, 2 million. Bundling Package presents a maximum combination of Advan nebook supported by Mobi technology CDMA EVDO Rev A speed up to 3.1 Mbps in order to provide high-speed internet services at affordable prices.
"Mobile-8 and Advan a common vision to provide computer and Internet technology affordable to the general public so as to create a literate society of information technology," said Beydra.
Program continuation bundling package labeled 'Internet Cheap Abis' is also expected to help eliminate the gap of information technology in various layers of society.
Meanwhile, Teddy Tjan, Marketing Director of PT Intech Surya Abadi (Advan) added his party is optimistic netbooks sold in 7000 approximately two months, given the success of previous programs.
"The growth of the Internet in this country very quickly, and learn from our previous programs optimistic able to sell our products," said Teddy.
From Okezone..
Monday, November 2, 2009
Telkom Build Super Portal U.S. $ 2 Million
Telkom issued an initial investment of U.S. $ 2 million to build a super-portals like Yahoo, Google, eBay, and Amazon.
"This initial investment to meet the needs of the super portal to the end of 2010," said Director Rinaldi Firmansyah, the building Caraka Grha Citra Telkom, Jakarta, Monday (2/11/2009).
Development of super-portal is one of the business transformation strategy conducted in the business Telkom Telecommunications, IT Services, Media and Edutainment (TIME).
Telkom's development has been carried out since a year ago with Bubu.com took to develop the content. The reason, according to Rinaldi, the portal is built not a news portal, but e-commerce portals such as Amazon and eBay.
"Of the total initial investment we made, we remove the biggest cost for marketing. For the device and bandwidth provided by Telkom," clearly the number one in the state-owned telecom.
Super built portals that Telkom is the development of portals www.plasa.com owned company. While recent address is still confidential.
"Just wait. We will soft launch on November 5, 2009 before the hold
grand launch early 2010 first quarter, "said Rinaldi.
From the transformation of its business, Telkom target of 60% income TIME industry within the next five years. TIME assessed as 'New Wave' in the ICT industry not only rely on the telecommunications sector, but also content, portals, media and IT solutions.
Gadget News
From Detikinet
"This initial investment to meet the needs of the super portal to the end of 2010," said Director Rinaldi Firmansyah, the building Caraka Grha Citra Telkom, Jakarta, Monday (2/11/2009).
Development of super-portal is one of the business transformation strategy conducted in the business Telkom Telecommunications, IT Services, Media and Edutainment (TIME).
Telkom's development has been carried out since a year ago with Bubu.com took to develop the content. The reason, according to Rinaldi, the portal is built not a news portal, but e-commerce portals such as Amazon and eBay.
"Of the total initial investment we made, we remove the biggest cost for marketing. For the device and bandwidth provided by Telkom," clearly the number one in the state-owned telecom.
Super built portals that Telkom is the development of portals www.plasa.com owned company. While recent address is still confidential.
"Just wait. We will soft launch on November 5, 2009 before the hold
grand launch early 2010 first quarter, "said Rinaldi.
From the transformation of its business, Telkom target of 60% income TIME industry within the next five years. TIME assessed as 'New Wave' in the ICT industry not only rely on the telecommunications sector, but also content, portals, media and IT solutions.
Gadget News
From Detikinet
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Motorola's Android in Indonesia Still Unclear
OS Android are expected to be Motorola's savior for the past two years profit decline. Seeing the potential of Google's OS besutan, also promised to Motrola poured at least 20 new mobile phone with Android basis.
The arrival of the 20th confirmed Android phone Motorola Chief Executive Sanjay Jha to ensure that the phone line will come in stages in 2010. Thus quoted from PC World, Thursday (29/10/2009).
The same commitment ever made Jha some time ago. This proves the seriousness can rely on Motorola for Google Android greatness.
"Motorola will develop the entire Android phone, but still carries a third party to build more features to support Android phone," Jha added.
Meanwhile, Motorola Indonesia not sure whether the two series of Motorola mobile phone OS based on open, ie Cliq and Droid, will be brought to the ground water also.
"I'm not sure Motorola's Android phone will be incorporated into Indonesia or not. Since the company's strict policy that centers do not allow us to divulge to the public, before any official announcement," said Yanti Agus, Marketing Manager of Personal Communications Sector of PT Motorola Indonesia to Legal.
Despite its appearance of certainty is unknown, Legal sources at Motorola said that the vendor really sure if Android phones Motorola besutan would go into the ground water. Unfortunately, the source does not provide certainty launch time.
"Motorola's Android will go to Indonesia because Motorola is still regarded Indonesia as a potential market. But we have not got assurance from the center. Chances are one or two months ahead," said the source.
From Okezone
The arrival of the 20th confirmed Android phone Motorola Chief Executive Sanjay Jha to ensure that the phone line will come in stages in 2010. Thus quoted from PC World, Thursday (29/10/2009).
The same commitment ever made Jha some time ago. This proves the seriousness can rely on Motorola for Google Android greatness.
"Motorola will develop the entire Android phone, but still carries a third party to build more features to support Android phone," Jha added.
Meanwhile, Motorola Indonesia not sure whether the two series of Motorola mobile phone OS based on open, ie Cliq and Droid, will be brought to the ground water also.
"I'm not sure Motorola's Android phone will be incorporated into Indonesia or not. Since the company's strict policy that centers do not allow us to divulge to the public, before any official announcement," said Yanti Agus, Marketing Manager of Personal Communications Sector of PT Motorola Indonesia to Legal.
Despite its appearance of certainty is unknown, Legal sources at Motorola said that the vendor really sure if Android phones Motorola besutan would go into the ground water. Unfortunately, the source does not provide certainty launch time.
"Motorola's Android will go to Indonesia because Motorola is still regarded Indonesia as a potential market. But we have not got assurance from the center. Chances are one or two months ahead," said the source.
From Okezone
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Q3 09, ZTE Profit Increase Up To Nearly 60%
Q3 09, ZTE Profit Increase Up To Nearly 60%. Zhong Xing Telecommunication Equipment (ZTE), a provider of telecommunications equipment and network products (GSM and CDMA) come from China, announced its financial report for Q2 2009. Noted, corporate profits increased by almost 60 percent.
Compared to last year, ZTE reported that earnings during the quarter rose about 43 percent to U.S. $ 2.2 billion or equivalent to Rp 20.9 trillion.
Meanwhile, net profit recorded a growth dibukukannya managed 58.18 percent, to around U.S. $ 60 million or equivalent to Rp 571 billion.
In terms of market development, such as VIVAnews quotes from Cellular News, October 28, 2009, ZTE recorded a substantial growth from operating income of most of the construction of 3G networks in China. In the global market, ZTE claims began to be able to build a more fierce competition with profit costs, financing sources, and the ability to adjust.
By product, the carrier network using ZTE products recorded an increase year-on-year about 47.32 percent, which affected a large income by selling the company for 3G network equipment, optical transmission and data communication products or modem.
Reportedly also, the contribution of terminal products also grew significantly ZTE, which is approximately 38.67 per cent, in line with sales growth of 3G networks. While the contribution of telecommunications software systems, services, and other products reported average rose to 17.85 percent. Seen here, the most significant contribution coming from sales of terminal products.
Speaking last quarter of this year, ZTE claims will increase revenues and profits to go to Western European markets and the United States, in addition to strengthening its position in the China 3G market.
From vivanews..
Compared to last year, ZTE reported that earnings during the quarter rose about 43 percent to U.S. $ 2.2 billion or equivalent to Rp 20.9 trillion.
Meanwhile, net profit recorded a growth dibukukannya managed 58.18 percent, to around U.S. $ 60 million or equivalent to Rp 571 billion.
In terms of market development, such as VIVAnews quotes from Cellular News, October 28, 2009, ZTE recorded a substantial growth from operating income of most of the construction of 3G networks in China. In the global market, ZTE claims began to be able to build a more fierce competition with profit costs, financing sources, and the ability to adjust.
By product, the carrier network using ZTE products recorded an increase year-on-year about 47.32 percent, which affected a large income by selling the company for 3G network equipment, optical transmission and data communication products or modem.
Reportedly also, the contribution of terminal products also grew significantly ZTE, which is approximately 38.67 per cent, in line with sales growth of 3G networks. While the contribution of telecommunications software systems, services, and other products reported average rose to 17.85 percent. Seen here, the most significant contribution coming from sales of terminal products.
Speaking last quarter of this year, ZTE claims will increase revenues and profits to go to Western European markets and the United States, in addition to strengthening its position in the China 3G market.
From vivanews..
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Windows 7, Official Present in Indonesia

As we all know, Windows 7 is the present operating system to replace Windows Vista that have been circulating since 2007 and who lack a joyous welcome from the market.
"Indonesia is a country that is important for Microsoft, for it is important that we look at the latest operating system from Microsoft is also present at the same time its presence in other countries," said Faycal Bouchlaghem, Chief Operating Officer of Microsoft Indonesia, the release of Windows 7 in Jakarta, October 22, 2009.
"This operating system also we represent to boost the IT industry market was slow," said Faycal. "Hopefully with the package 'stimulus' from us, Windows 7 could bring a positive impact on the IT world started to recover from the economic conditions are less favorable," he said.
There are four versions of Windows 7 that Microsoft presented to the user that the retail version of Home Basic, Home Premium, Professional, and Ultimate in Indonesia. The four are available from the price range of 900 thousand to 2.5 - 3 juta rupiah per license.
At the same time, Microsoft also released Windows Phone in ground water and also to menghadirkannya more than 20 countries around the world. Windows Phone itself is a phone that uses Microsoft's operating system that can facilitate users to work and communicate.
Some Windows Phone manufacturers who are ready to bring its products to the ground water. Acer producers is NeoTouch series, beTouch, Asus M20 series, Motorola GM739 and Times series, as well as a series Samsung Omnia Omnia II and Pro.
Gadget News
From vivanews
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Axis Claim To Lower Data Rate Up to 60%
AXIS trying to comfort its customers by providing cheaper fares. This time is for customers to data services.
Cheap packet data service is not only for daily users, but also weekly and monthly users. No half-hearted, Axis claims its data service tariff is cheaper by 60 percent compared to rates of data services other operators.
For example, for daily data rates, membandrol Axis Rp1.500 prices for data usage with the quota up to 2MB. While weekly package for Rp8.000 imposed 10MB quota. For monthly data packets Rp40.000 charged 100MB to 500MB per month subject to Rp100.000, and unlimited data packages are charged Rp400.000 per month. For excess usage fee will be charged per kilobyte of Rp1.
"Increased use of smartphones (Nokia E72) in the Indonesian telecommunications market allows users to browse and download applications from the internet. Therefore, AXIS offers data services affordable and simple to overcome difficulties they may encounter. We want our customers get the best experience with their mobile phone service , "said Chief Marketing Officer of AXIS Johan Buse, through its official statement on Wednesday (14/10/2009).
According to Buse, the Axis packet data service, customers can decide how much data will be used and maximum use of their phone device, without having to worry about the cost, with proper usage records of the packet data service with no limit is 5GB per month.
AXIS customers can easily select the packages that are available according to the needs of their data through * 777 # or send SMS to 777. Customers will receive notification of this application's success. Customers also can check the use of its data packages via SMS to 777 or * 777 #. Packet data service can be used by all AXIS cards.
In addition, as of October 12, 2009, AXIS has changed the data access rates to $ 2/KB. This tariff applies to regular customers and AXIS AXIS Salam..
Gadget News
Article From OkeZone
Cheap packet data service is not only for daily users, but also weekly and monthly users. No half-hearted, Axis claims its data service tariff is cheaper by 60 percent compared to rates of data services other operators.

"Increased use of smartphones (Nokia E72) in the Indonesian telecommunications market allows users to browse and download applications from the internet. Therefore, AXIS offers data services affordable and simple to overcome difficulties they may encounter. We want our customers get the best experience with their mobile phone service , "said Chief Marketing Officer of AXIS Johan Buse, through its official statement on Wednesday (14/10/2009).
According to Buse, the Axis packet data service, customers can decide how much data will be used and maximum use of their phone device, without having to worry about the cost, with proper usage records of the packet data service with no limit is 5GB per month.
AXIS customers can easily select the packages that are available according to the needs of their data through * 777 # or send SMS to 777. Customers will receive notification of this application's success. Customers also can check the use of its data packages via SMS to 777 or * 777 #. Packet data service can be used by all AXIS cards.
In addition, as of October 12, 2009, AXIS has changed the data access rates to $ 2/KB. This tariff applies to regular customers and AXIS AXIS Salam..
Gadget News
Article From OkeZone
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Tips & Tricks Battery HP No Easy Drop
1. Do not leave your phone in hot areas, such as on a car dashboard. This can cause the battery ngedrop.
2. If it is not needed, just turn off the vibration facility on your phone. For example when you were at home or dimobil.
3. if you're expecting a call comes in, you should use the ringtone melody was not that long. In addition, lower volume too.
4. You should not use the facilities and vibration melody simultaneously.
5. Slow play games on your phone, because mobile phone gaming in the battery can drain quickly.
6. Do not be too often turn off the phone and turned back. Each time you blame the phone, your phone will search the network, and this is very draining your battery up to 1 hour of standby time.
7. If you are in area of tissue where there was nothing, you should switch off your phone. The phone is constantly looking for the network (signal) also requires a lot of battery energy.
8. Turn off GPRS when you do not need it.
9. Turn off the screen saver also features on your phone screen.
10. Mendengarkna MP3 music can also drain your battery. So really betil use when you want it.
11. Turn off bluetooth when the facility was not using it. In addition to draining the battery, bluetooth which continues in a state on also can invite krackcer or hackers.
12. Do not close the top of the phone when the phone is in use. In these parts there is an antenna that when closed will affect the quality of the call. It also may cause the phone to operate at power levels greater durability thus shortening the standby time and talk.
13. If your phone has many applications, close the application when finished using it.
14. Turn off your phone when you do not need it. For example at night. Information will be able to keep you received via SMS.
Gadget News
2. If it is not needed, just turn off the vibration facility on your phone. For example when you were at home or dimobil.
3. if you're expecting a call comes in, you should use the ringtone melody was not that long. In addition, lower volume too.
4. You should not use the facilities and vibration melody simultaneously.
5. Slow play games on your phone, because mobile phone gaming in the battery can drain quickly.
6. Do not be too often turn off the phone and turned back. Each time you blame the phone, your phone will search the network, and this is very draining your battery up to 1 hour of standby time.
7. If you are in area of tissue where there was nothing, you should switch off your phone. The phone is constantly looking for the network (signal) also requires a lot of battery energy.
8. Turn off GPRS when you do not need it.
9. Turn off the screen saver also features on your phone screen.
10. Mendengarkna MP3 music can also drain your battery. So really betil use when you want it.
11. Turn off bluetooth when the facility was not using it. In addition to draining the battery, bluetooth which continues in a state on also can invite krackcer or hackers.
12. Do not close the top of the phone when the phone is in use. In these parts there is an antenna that when closed will affect the quality of the call. It also may cause the phone to operate at power levels greater durability thus shortening the standby time and talk.
13. If your phone has many applications, close the application when finished using it.
14. Turn off your phone when you do not need it. For example at night. Information will be able to keep you received via SMS.
Gadget News
Friday, October 9, 2009
Nokia Will Released Nokia E72 In Indonesia Late 2009

"A good sales performance was made Indonesia was chosen as the only country allowed to sell the Nokia E72 in advance," said Riadi Sugihtani, Marketing Director of Nokia Indonesia in Jakarta. "However, a limited number, only 72 units," he said.
Cool name, it submitted a proposal to the Nokia center to release the first phone to market, and it was approved. "Only in Indonesia. In other countries, no one allowed to 'throw' first E72 to the market, "said Riadi. "When the 15 September and then we sell the E72 through the booth that was held at Pacific Place. Of the 72 units prepared, immediately sold out that day, "he said.
So, said Riadi, right now, there are only 72 units of Nokia E72 officially in the market. "Fortunately, those who have it, because they are the owner of the world's first E72," he said.
"According to the schedule of the Nokia headquarters, E72 is scheduled to slide at the end of this year, including in Indonesia," said Riadi.
Source : Vivanews
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
GempaLoka, Earthquake Info Application for BlackBerry
BlackBerry users who want to quickly get information about the earthquake can use a free application called GempaLoka. This application is the application of locally made.
GempaLoka an application that displays recent earthquake data taken from Climatology Meteorology and Geophysics (BMKG) Indonesia. Applications for the BlackBerry that has a simple appearance and easy to use.
List of locations recent earthquake in the ground water sorted by time, the latest on top. Figures earthquake forces emerged with larger letters followed by location and then when the incident. The layout is easy to see the application user wants information quickly.
If you want more detailed information, users can click it. More detailed information including area, time, strength, Loka (lattitude and longitude) and depth of the earthquake. Then, GempaLoka also provides a Google map of the location of the earthquake on the details page. This map can zoom in to see more closely the location of the earthquake.
In addition, this application can also provide notification of vibration and a red icon when an earthquake had just happened. Settings and notifications about any updates can be done according to user preferences.
Want to use it? Download in Loka.7langit.com (access via the BlackBerry Browser.
Gadget News source : DetikInet
GempaLoka an application that displays recent earthquake data taken from Climatology Meteorology and Geophysics (BMKG) Indonesia. Applications for the BlackBerry that has a simple appearance and easy to use.
List of locations recent earthquake in the ground water sorted by time, the latest on top. Figures earthquake forces emerged with larger letters followed by location and then when the incident. The layout is easy to see the application user wants information quickly.

In addition, this application can also provide notification of vibration and a red icon when an earthquake had just happened. Settings and notifications about any updates can be done according to user preferences.
Want to use it? Download in Loka.7langit.com (access via the BlackBerry Browser.
Gadget News source : DetikInet
Friday, September 25, 2009
BlackBerry Gemini Curve 8520 PreOrder at Indosat

According Siboro Thunder, Chief of Marketing Indosat, offering special price USD 3.4 million were valid only during the pre-orders starting from 24 September to October 24, 2009. "Customers who want to buy a BlackBerry smartphone Gemini can go directly to our site at www.indosat.com/blackberry_curve_8520."
Guntur not want to mention the Gemini will target buyers through pre-order method of this. But he was sure the number would be much demand since a lower price than previous BlackBerry.
"We realized that the BlackBerry has become a phenomenon in Indonesia with the increasing public demand for this service. Therefore, we are marketing with a more affordable price so that more and more members of the public who can enjoy this service," said Thunder.
Gemini is the first BlackBerry from Research in Motion (RIM) which uses a soft trackpad as navigation buttons to access music, video, games, email, messaging, and social networking sites. For typing, the phone is still using full-QWERTY keyboard.
The phone is believed to Indosat can help reach your target BlackBerry 380 thousand subscribers at the end of the year Indosat later. To encourage the growth of the year, the company now has 150 thousand subscribers BlackBerry, the BlackBerry service relies Mail & Chat and BlackBerry on Demand Daily.
From DetikInet.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Dezzo D800, Another QWERTY
In cooperation with Telkomsel Dezzo latest product release, Dezzo D800. Brand new phone came today, when the launch. The model is not much different from other Chinese qwerty phone. Similar to the blackberry javelin or nokia E71. Gadget News..

Bonus :

- Real horizontal QVGA Screen & 2MP Camera with Flash
- Dimension: 113.2x 59 x 12.9
- Dual GSM 900/1800 MHz
- 10x Zoom Camera
- MP3/MP4 player
- FM Radio
- 2MP camera
- Bluetooth
- Chat app
- Shortcut: Facebook, Opera Mini, myspace
- Support memory up to 8GB
- 12 Month Warranty
Bonus :
- Prime Sympathy Card
- Free Extra Battery & silicon case
- Free Micro SD
- Free True Ringtones
- Free Internet, SMS, Speak up to 60 mins
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Samsung C6625 Telkomsel package
Telkomsel Flash gives a bonus package every purchase Samsung C6625. Internet package is 100mb/month given for 6 months, but it was free Sympathy pede + Samsung case.
The price offered Rp. 2,499,000. With specs of Samsung C6625 :
The price offered Rp. 2,499,000. With specs of Samsung C6625 :
- GSM 900/1800/1900
- HSDPA, 3.6 Mbps
- TFT, 65K colors
- 320 x 240 pixels, 2.6 inches
- Bluetooth 2.0
- 2MP camera
- Microsoft Windows Mobile 6.1 Standard
- MicroSD (TransFlash), up to 8GB
- Endurance 300Jam battery to Standby, 7 hours talk
Saturday, September 19, 2009
3 (Three) Manutd : Ticket Refund + Compensation
It is unfortunate that the MU is not so present in Indonesia. 3 (Tri) as an operator that brings MU sponsor, announced a ticket refund customers who have been paid in the nearest 3Store until this September 20.

You just come to the nearest 3Store and provide proof of purchase receipt Tri tickets + No. + ID. The return of tickets based on the following categories :

You just come to the nearest 3Store and provide proof of purchase receipt Tri tickets + No. + ID. The return of tickets based on the following categories :
- Category 1: Rp. 400,000. (Bonus Merchandise from 3)
- Category 2: Rp. 250,000
- Category 3: Rp. 100,000
- Poster MU
- Purchase 30rb toll free 50% of the total value.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Samsung Omnia Pro B7330 sekarang resmi
Samsung telah secara resmi mengumumkan Omnia Pro B7330, Windows Mobile Standard smartphone yang pertama kali terlihat pada akhir Agustus. Omnia Pro B7330 yang akan tersedia mulai bulan Oktober, datang dengan Windows Mobile 6.5, sebuah persegi 320 x 320 piksel, QWERTY keyboard dan konektivitas HSUPA. Gadget News.
Smartphone yang baru juga memiliki fitur kamera 3MP, radio FM dan fungsi pesan yang kuat. Seperti yang Anda mungkin sudah tahu, Pro B7330 Omnia terlihat mirip dengan Samsung Omnia Pro B7320. Samsung juga telah mengumumkan bahwa semua Omnia handset (tersedia atau tidak) akan segera datang dengan Windows Mobile 6.5: Omnia Pro B7610, Omnia Pro B7320, B7300 dan Lite Omnia Omnia II i8000.
Smartphone yang baru juga memiliki fitur kamera 3MP, radio FM dan fungsi pesan yang kuat. Seperti yang Anda mungkin sudah tahu, Pro B7330 Omnia terlihat mirip dengan Samsung Omnia Pro B7320. Samsung juga telah mengumumkan bahwa semua Omnia handset (tersedia atau tidak) akan segera datang dengan Windows Mobile 6.5: Omnia Pro B7610, Omnia Pro B7320, B7300 dan Lite Omnia Omnia II i8000.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tiga BB Baru Kenali Pandeglang
Pembuat ponsel asal Kanada, bukan asal Objek Wisata Pandeglang, Research In Motion tampaknya mempersiapkan peluncuran serangkaian tiga BlackBery baru untuk tahun yang sedang berlangsung, serta sejumlah handset 16 lainnya ditetapkan untuk memulai Kenali Kunjungi Pandeglang tahun depan. RIM ponsel yang harus mencapai pasar tahun ini yang dianggap Blackberry Essex, Blackberry 9100 alias Blackberry Curve Penyerang dan 8.530.
Berita tentang blackberry yang baru datang dari thecoolguyreport, bukan dari Objek Wisata Pandeglang, yang sudah dibawa ke rincian cahaya yang akan datang Storm 2 dan Bold 9700, dan yang tampaknya cukup efektif. Sementara peluncuran mendatang tiga handset baru dari RIM mungkin tidak terdengar seperti Kenali Kunjungi Pandeglang, eh, seperti kejutan bagi sebagian dari Anda, seperti desas-desus tentang perangkat ini muncul sebelumnya, jumlah handset dijadwalkan akan dirilis pada tahun 2010 harus jelas tampak mengesankan.
Info Gadget di Wisata Pandeglang
Berita tentang blackberry yang baru datang dari thecoolguyreport, bukan dari Objek Wisata Pandeglang, yang sudah dibawa ke rincian cahaya yang akan datang Storm 2 dan Bold 9700, dan yang tampaknya cukup efektif. Sementara peluncuran mendatang tiga handset baru dari RIM mungkin tidak terdengar seperti Kenali Kunjungi Pandeglang, eh, seperti kejutan bagi sebagian dari Anda, seperti desas-desus tentang perangkat ini muncul sebelumnya, jumlah handset dijadwalkan akan dirilis pada tahun 2010 harus jelas tampak mengesankan.
Info Gadget di Wisata Pandeglang
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Info Gadget di Wisata Pandeglang
Blog ini berubah tema menjadi Gadget Wisata Pandeglang. Sekarang blog ini uda dapet Pagerank 1, sip2. Sekarang akan membahas seputar ponsel dan wisata Kabupaten Pandeglang. Selain ganti tema, blog ini juga ganti jurusan menjadi bahasa Indonesia. Sebelumnya kan bahasa Inggris.
Hal ini dilakukan karena blog ini ingin kenali kunjungi objek wisata Pandeglang. Karena disana banyak tempat tujuan hiburan yang menarik dan memiliki pesona alam yang indah. Sekaligus informasi gadget terbaru. Semoga saja blog ini bisa memberikan artikel yang terbaik bagi semua pengunjung yang datang kesini.. :P
Hal ini dilakukan karena blog ini ingin kenali kunjungi objek wisata Pandeglang. Karena disana banyak tempat tujuan hiburan yang menarik dan memiliki pesona alam yang indah. Sekaligus informasi gadget terbaru. Semoga saja blog ini bisa memberikan artikel yang terbaik bagi semua pengunjung yang datang kesini.. :P
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Worth $250 contest by Supersway Blog
Supersway blog is currently holding an interesting contest. The prize is up to $250 and all you need to win is effort to become top point collector. Here is the detail of the prize :
- 1st winner will get $200 directly via Paypal
- 1st and 2nd runner up will get $25 directly via Paypal
How to get point?
- 20 point by subscribing to supersway blog (Mandatory)
- 10 point by tweeting about the contest (1x tweet per day is allowed)
- 10 point by linking to supersway blog
- 5 point by social bookmarking
- You can also get 50 point by making guest post which accepted by supersway owner
Contest is running from 24 July 2009 until 9 September 2009
What are you waiting for? Let's go participate...!!!
For contest detail you can click : http://supersway.com/win-250-just-for-subscribing-to-this-blog/
- 1st winner will get $200 directly via Paypal
- 1st and 2nd runner up will get $25 directly via Paypal
How to get point?
- 20 point by subscribing to supersway blog (Mandatory)
- 10 point by tweeting about the contest (1x tweet per day is allowed)
- 10 point by linking to supersway blog
- 5 point by social bookmarking
- You can also get 50 point by making guest post which accepted by supersway owner
Contest is running from 24 July 2009 until 9 September 2009
What are you waiting for? Let's go participate...!!!
For contest detail you can click : http://supersway.com/win-250-just-for-subscribing-to-this-blog/
Monday, August 3, 2009
Place For Ideas About Hairstyles
Take A Peek The Best Site for Hairstyle Pictures. There are hundreds and thousands of Haircuts ideas, Men's Hairstyle : Men's Short Hairstyles, Men's Medium Hairstyles, Men's Long Hairstyles, Women's Hairstyles, Celebrity, Young Styles, Classic Cut, Modern, Asian Hairstyles (Japanese and Korean) And World Hairstyles.Check it out... Hairstyles for Women's & Men's only on WordHairStyles dot com..
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Traveling, My Journey
Blog Travel
Traveling, Traveling, Traveling
Any Place Where I Have and Want To Visit
Traveling, Traveling, Traveling
Any Place Where I Have and Want To Visit
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Cari Uang dan Peluang Usaha
Media promosi online peluang usaha, peluang kerja, serta bagaimana cari uang di internet. Iklankan bisnis anda disini maka anda akan mendapatkan keuntungan ganda dapat uang berlimpah dengan sistem bisnis yang kami sediakan.
RYL Interesting Contest...!!!
Revive Your Life site currently hold very interesting contest. Because the prize is laptop. Yes, for the winner, RYL will give Asus Eee
PC Netbook with Intel Celeron Processor. So interesting...!!!
What makes this contest more interesting is, to participate is easy. You required to subscribed to RYL and then your participated,
Wanna get bigger chance to win? Then you can do blog post, commenting, etc....
The detail are here :
PC Netbook with Intel Celeron Processor. So interesting...!!!
What makes this contest more interesting is, to participate is easy. You required to subscribed to RYL and then your participated,
Wanna get bigger chance to win? Then you can do blog post, commenting, etc....
The detail are here :
Friday, July 24, 2009
Good Place for Vacation? Bali!
Everybody should consider to spent holidays on vacation in Bali, Bali is a very famous island. It has somany intersting places, for example the Kuta beach the man's paradise, this beach is extremely beautiful. You should see it with your own eyes..
Besides Kuta, the other interesting place you have to go is Nusa Dua. There are lots of luxurious nusa dua resort, there also many standard resorts or hotel with cheaper price. The services and rooms speak qualities. You may not be dissapointed by them..
Besides Kuta, the other interesting place you have to go is Nusa Dua. There are lots of luxurious nusa dua resort, there also many standard resorts or hotel with cheaper price. The services and rooms speak qualities. You may not be dissapointed by them..
Berita Bola Paling Aktual Terpercaya
Mari dengar gemuruh suara bola, fans bola !
Rangkuman Berita Paling Hangat dan Aktual dalam 1 website.
Ngapain buka banyak situs berita untuk memperoleh berita terkini, cukup kunjungi : Berita Bola
Pengunjung juga dapat berkomentar di setiap artikel di Surat Kabar Bola tanpa perlu REGISTER / DAFTAR terlebih dahulu.
Semoga kemudahan yang kami tawarkan serta Informasi Bola terupdate, dapat bermanfaat bagi anda.
Salam Olahraga !
Rangkuman Berita Paling Hangat dan Aktual dalam 1 website.
Ngapain buka banyak situs berita untuk memperoleh berita terkini, cukup kunjungi : Berita Bola
Pengunjung juga dapat berkomentar di setiap artikel di Surat Kabar Bola tanpa perlu REGISTER / DAFTAR terlebih dahulu.
Semoga kemudahan yang kami tawarkan serta Informasi Bola terupdate, dapat bermanfaat bagi anda.
Salam Olahraga !
Thursday, July 23, 2009
SEO, Link Exchange, Forex News
Belajar SEO
SEO Tips, Trick and Tutorial
Tukar Link Blog
Exchange Links to Increase Your Pagerank
Forex Blog
Get Updated About Forex World
Monday, July 20, 2009
Kaos Polos Berkualitas Lengkap Murah
Kami jual kaos polos berkualitas tinggi, terbuat dari 100% cotton, lembut, tidak menyusut setelah dicuci, tidak bulu, dan dijahit rantai dengan sangat rapih dan presisi, memenuhi standar ekspor produk tekstil.
Kualitas kaos polos kami sebanding dengan kaos-kaos merek terkenal atau distro-distro elit di Indonesia. Kami juga melayani pembelian satuan, lusinan, dan juga partai dengan harga grosir kaos polos. Kaos polos kami sangat pas bagi para pebisnis sablon manual dan digital yang menginginkan proses produksi kaos yang cepat dan berkualitas tinggi.
Kualitas kaos polos kami sebanding dengan kaos-kaos merek terkenal atau distro-distro elit di Indonesia. Kami juga melayani pembelian satuan, lusinan, dan juga partai dengan harga grosir kaos polos. Kaos polos kami sangat pas bagi para pebisnis sablon manual dan digital yang menginginkan proses produksi kaos yang cepat dan berkualitas tinggi.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
iPhone 3G S processor specs..!

With 256MB of RAM — up from 128 in the original iPhone and iPhone 3G — as well as a faster processor running at 600MHz, compared to 412MHz in the first two iterations of the device, no wonder Apple promises a speed boost from iPhone 3G S . The second-generation iPod touch also sports a faster processor than that found in the first two generations of iPhone, running at 532MHz.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
iPhone 3G vs iPhone 3GS, know the differences
Apple just announce the new iPhone 3GS at WWDC yesterday. The looks of the new iPhone is quite similar to the latest iPhone 3G. So, what's new on the iPhone 3GS? Here's the table list of features comparison between iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS. Those who still wonder the differences between the iPhone 3G and the new iPhone 3GS should take a look at this comparison list.. :)

iPhone 3G | iPhone 3G S | |||||
Price | $99 8GB ($299 for ineligible upgraders) | $199 16GB, $299 32GB ($399 and $499 for ineligible upgraders) | ||||
Processor | 412MHz ARM 11 | Unknown, "on average up to twice as fast" | ||||
Graphics capability | OpenGL ES 2.0 | OpenGL ES 2.0 | ||||
Camera | 2.0 megapixel fixed focus | 3.0 megapixel autofocus with macro mode and auto white balance | ||||
Video recording | None | 30fps VGA with on-device editing capability | ||||
Voice control | None | Dialing, music control | ||||
Nike+ support | No | Yes | ||||
Wireless technologies | 3.6Mbps HSDPA, WiFi, Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR | 7.2Mbps HSDPA, WiFi, Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR | ||||
Water- and oil-resistant finish | No | Yes | ||||
Integrated magnetic compass | No | Yes | ||||
Included headphones | Standard | Inline remote for music control | ||||
Battery life | Up to 5 hours talk time / data on 3G, 10 hours on 2G Up to 6 hours data on WiFi Up to 24 hours audio Up to 7 hours video | Up to 5 hours talk time / data on 3G, 12 hours on 2G Up to 9 hours data on WiFi Up to 30 hours audio Up to 10 hours video | ||||
Dimensions | 115.5 x 62.1 x 12.3mm | 115.5 x 62.1 x 12.3mm | ||||
Weight | 133 grams / 4.69 oz. | 135 grams / 4.76 oz. |

Nokia is ready to ship Nokia N86 8MP
That's right dude.. After N97 jumps, then Nokia N86 8MP will follow soon.. Nokia N86 is a camera phone with lots of photography features..
Here's what those guys in gsmarena reported :
8MP cameraphone with 8GB internal storage? Rocks..!
Here's what those guys in gsmarena reported :
Today Nokia finally announced the start of the shipping of the highly awaited Nokia N86 8MP smartphone. Usually the model can be expected to actually hit the shelves within a week of such announcement so don't head for the store just yet.
The hotly anticipated Nokia N86 8MP is the first 8 megapixel cameraphone to sport a wide 28mm lens. There are also other camera goodies onboard such as a mechanical shutter and Carl Zeiss lens. The Nokia N86 8MP is also the first device with variable aperture F2.4/F3.2/F4.8. That means the device does better in low light situations thanks to the wider aperture of F2.4 and takes sharper shots in bright daylight thanks to the F4.8 aperture value.
The other goodies on board the Nokia N86 8MP include 8GB of internal memory, a microSDHC card slot, a 2.6-inch AMOLED screen, FM transmitter, Wi-Fi and GPS connectivity, a 3.5mm audio jack and TV out. There's also quad-band GSM and tri-band HSDPA support for a truly worldwide voice and data roaming.
When it was officially announced back in February the Nokia N86 8MP had an estimated price of 375 euro, before taxes and subsidies. As usually though early adopters will have to part with slightly more than that as the lowest prices available for pre-orders online are along the lines of 425 euro (600 US dollars).
8MP cameraphone with 8GB internal storage? Rocks..!
Nokia N97 Spesifications

- Talk time: Up to 6.0 hours (3G), 9.5 hours (GSM)
- Standby time: Up to 17 days (3G), 18 days (GSM)
- Video playback: Up to 4.5 hours (offline mode)
- Video recording: Up to 3.6 hours (offline mode)
- Music playback: Up to 40 hours (offline mode)
[via wikipedia]
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